Seminar Creating Flow in Health and Social Care Sector

29. jaanuaril 2020 toimub Tallinnas juhtimiskonverentsi Voog raames sotsiaalvaldkonna seminar Šotimaa sotsiaal- ja tervishoiuteenuste kvaliteedi tagamise teemal, mille peaesinejaks on antud valdkonna vastutava organisatsiooni Care Inspectorate juhatuse esimees Paul Edie, kes räägib lühidalt Šotimaa kogemusest ka konverentsil.

Šotimaa on oma uuenduslike ja kaasaegsete kvaliteedi tagamise meetmetega saavutanud ülemaailmset kuulsust. Peamisteks märksõnadeks kvaliteedi tagamisel on teenuse kasutajate õigustest ning kogemusest lähtumine  ning järelevalves koostöö ja teenuseosutajate toetamine nende arengu soodustamiseks.

Seminar on inglise keeles ilma tõlketa.

Creating Flow in Health and Social Care Sector.  The Scottish Case Combined with the Baltic Experiences.

Paul Edie (Board Chair of the Scottish Care Inspectorate)


„Almost everyone will use a care service at some stage in their life. The Care Inspectorate is Scotland’s national scrutiny and improvement body for social care and social work. They exist to ensure that services for people who experience care are of the highest quality, tailored to their needs and wishes. This is enshrined in Scotland’s new Health and Social Care Standards, which set out what people should experience from care. The standards came into effect in April 2018 and are amongst the most radical and progressive anywhere in the world. I am encouraged by the significant level of international interest in how Scotland has developed these standards, embedded with a human rights and wellbeing focus and through such an inclusive and collaborative approach.

Developing the new standards and building them into the scrutiny model exemplifies innovation and public sector transformation as, most importantly, the standards put what matters to the individual first and foremost. Over recent years, how we go about providing scrutiny and assurance about the quality of care has shifted focus from compliance to collaboration, enabling us to better support services to improve“. (Paul Edie)

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what we should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone and to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld.

The new standards are relevant across all health and social care provision. They are no longer just focused on regulated care settings but for use in health and social care, as well as in early learning and childcare, children’s services, social work and community justice.

The Scottish Care Inspectorate is the national regulator for care services in Scotland.

Seminar language: English

Seminar structure

10:00 – 12:00 The Scottish case. Background, context and the journey to currect system of regulating care services in Scotland.


12:30 – 14:00 The Baltic experiences and discussions. Reflection by Paul Edie.



Workshop for EAQ members and partners:

  • Early bird price until 10.01.2020: 80.- EUR (+ VAT)
  • Price after 10.01.2020:  90.- EUR (+VAT)

Conference Flow 28.01. and workshop for EAQ members and partners:

  • Early bird price until 10.01.2020:  255.- EUR (+VAT)
  • Price after 10.01.2020: 335.- EUR (+VAT)

Workshop for non-members:

  • Early bird price until 10.01.2020: 95.- EUR (+ VAT)
  • Price after 10.01.2020:  110.- EUR (+VAT)

Conference Flow 28.01. and workshop :

  • Early bird price until 10.01.2020:  315.- EUR (+VAT)
  • Price after 10.01.2020: 425.- EUR (+VAT)

PAYMENT according to issued INVOICE


CANCELLATION: Please announce cancellation in writing, sending an e-mail to the address at least 10 office days before the event. In this case the received fee will be returned or the invoice will be annulled. In case of cancellation of 5 office  days before the event 50% of the fee will be returned. No refund later.

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