ASQ Quality 4.0 Summit: Advancing Digital Transformation (Online)

EOQ pakub partnerorganisatsioonide sh EKÜ liikmetele 199$ soodushinnaga osalemist koodiga QLTY40EOQ – registreeruda saab konverentsi kodulehel

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The promise of Quality 4.0 has yet to be fully realized, but recent successes in efficiency, customer satisfaction, financial performance, and corporate culture point to a promising future for quality organizations on their journey to embrace it. At the 2021 Quality 4.0 Summit, attendees will engage in learning and networking activities to increase their understanding and awareness of the current state of 4.0 adoption, and what it means for their organizations, teams, and future as a quality professionals.

At the 2021 Quality 4.0 Summit, attendees will be immersed in discussions focused on effective ways to integrate the people, process, and technology of their organizations into an overall digital transformation strategy wherever they may be on their transformation journey.

The 2021 Quality 4.0 Summit will be a fully virtual event in response to the increase in COVID-19 diagnoses worldwide.